TNRHA Volunteer Breeders Classic Stallion Auction 2015-2016 (view all)
Oct 10, 2015 - Mar 14, 2016
Listing Closed

Busy Winnin Chex This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 3581 Number of Times Viewed: 1686


Jan 8 2016, 9:37 am PST
  • Buyer:
  • templetonenp
  • Price:
  • $300.00 USD
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 3581 Busy Winnin Chex This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
Last edited: 10/1/2015 04:37:50 am PDTLast edited: 10/1/2015 04:37:50 am PDT
  • Busy Winnin Chex
  • Quarter Horse
  • Hilldale Farm
  • Brashear Texas 75420 United States 
  • $5000.00
  • $1150.00
  • Available
  • Ask Owner

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $300.00
  • $450.00
  • $600.00 includes first shipment
  • $12 - $16 / day

  • 2016
  • Yes
  • 4929154
  • Cremello
  • 2007
  • Yes
  • GBED Carrier
  • 2010 Tradition Open Futurity 3rd
    2010 Tradition Int Open Futurity Reserve Champion
    2010 Dorminy Plantation Int Open Futurity Reserve Champion
    2010 Carolina Fall ABI Int Open Futurity tie 5th
  • NRBC
    AQHA Incentive Fund
Listing ID: 3581 Busy Winnin Chex This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Check, Certified Check, Money Order, Cash
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 30 Days After Auction Closes
  • Auction payments should be paid to :
    % Nancy Rice
    5626 Murfreesboro Rd
    Lebanon , TN 37090
  • Upon receipt of payment a contract will be delivered by mail to the successful bidder .
  • You are bidding for one 2016 breeding contract donated to TNRHA by the stallion owner/agent for the 2015 TNRHA Volunteer Breeders Classic Stallion Auction. All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to TNRHA to further develop the Volunteer Breeders Classic Derby (VBC) .

    The 2016 Stallion Breeding Contract is transferable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the highest amount for the 2016 breeding auctioned online with .

    The mare owner/bidder will be purchasing in full the 2016 breeding services of the stallion specified . The mare owner/bidder will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of this contract , including but not limited to, veterinarian fees, chute fees, mare care, and other expenses. TNRHA is not responsible for any cost, expenses, and/or charges related to the execution of the breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in this contract. TNRHA's involvement in and responsibility for the 2015 VBC ONLINE STALLION AUCTION terminates upon transfer of this contract to the mare owner/bidder. Breeding arrangements will be made between the stallion owner/agent and the purchaser.
Listing ID: 3581 Busy Winnin Chex This Listing is Now Closed

Ask the Seller

Listing ID: 3581 Busy Winnin Chex This Listing is Now Closed

Questions & Answers (Login Required to Post Question or Comment)

ForeverStar (Dec 20, 2015, 3:46 am)
Hello, I'm interested in a breeding to Busy Winnin Chex. I'm from Germany and because this is the first time I want to breed my mare I just have some questions: What fees do I have to pay beside the breeding fee of the auction? Do I have a lived foal guarantee? How does it work with the DNA tests? Can you tell me something about the costs I have to take for the Transport of the frozen semen? Thank you very much Best regards from Germany Christina
Thank you for your interest!  Please contact Hilldale Farm for the answers to these questions.  They will know best since it will be an international shipment.  It is our understanding that once you buy the stallion breeding, you will owe chute fee and shipping fees to the stallion station.  There may be additional fees since it is international so once again, it is best to contact them directly.  Thank you!
Listing ID: 3581 Busy Winnin Chex This Listing is Now Closed

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Please contact the seller for further information, requests, or questions regarding this auction.