RMRHA Stallion Stakes Auction 2010 (view all)
Feb 1, 2010 - Apr 19, 2010
Listing Closed

Roosters Starlight This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 319 Number of Times Viewed: 1552

 1998 Bay Stallion   LTE $7,600

Listing Closed

Feb 28 2010, 6:00 pm PST
  • (Reserve Not Met)
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 319 Roosters Starlight This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • Roosters Starlight
  • Quarter Horse
  • Loveland Colorado 80537 United States  Map
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

Listing ID: 319 Roosters Starlight This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Check, Money Order
Listing ID: 319 Roosters Starlight This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 319 Roosters Starlight This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 319 Roosters Starlight This Listing is Now Closed

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