NCRHA Sire and Dam Auction 2016-2017 (view all)
Dec 10, 2016 - Jun 30, 2017
Listing Closed

TA Mozart - #2 This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 4540 Number of Times Viewed: 1777

TA Mozart is a 2007 chestnut Arabian stallion. He is the only purebred Arabian stallion to win the Scottsdale Arabian Futurity two years in a row.


Listing Closed

Jun 30 2017, 1:00 pm PDT
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 4540 TA Mozart - #2 This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • TA Mozart - #2
  • Arabian
  • Cedar Ridge Arabians
  • Jordan Minnesota 55352 United States  Map
  • $53,589
  • $1,800
  • Available
  • Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $250
  • N/A
  • $350
  • $325
  • $17/day stall
  • Contact Cedar Ridge Arabians

  • 2017
  • Yes
  • AHR640918
  • Chestnut
  • 2007
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • Highest ARHA Scoring Arabian at Scottsdale Futurity Ever
    2012 U.S. National Arabian Reining Jr. Champion
    2012 Region 9 Arabian Reining Champion
    2011 & 2012 Scottsdale Arabian Reining Futurity Classic Champion
    2011 U.S. National Arabian Reining Futurity 5 & Under Reserve Champion
  • Kordelas -

    2004 - US National Top Ten Reining Horse
    2004 - Region IX Top Five Reining Horse
    2004 - Class A Show Championships in Reining

    2007 First Place Aged Stallions 12 & over | ~ Las Vegas World Cup

    2001 World Top Ten Stallion | ~ Salon du Cheval, Paris
    2001 - Guilford International Champion Stallion | ~ Merrist Wood, United Kingdom
    2000 - UK International Reserve Champion Stallion | ~ Towerlands, United Kingdom
    2001 - NW Regional Champion Stallion and Supreme Champion Exhibit | ~ NW Regional Group, United Kingdom
    2000 - World Top Ten Stallion | ~ Salon du Cheval, Paris

    1998 - Stakes placed racehorse 2/15(2-2-3-2) | ~ Sluzewiec Racecourse - Warsaw, Poland
    ***Sire of International Champions in North America & Europe
  • Marieta is very well put together and very Kuhailan in the Michalow style perhaps the prototypical Michalow Kuhailan. She is very much an Arbil daughter in fact, each generation of her dam line has been almost a female carbon copy of their sire. She has his great forehand an upright, slender and well-shaped neck, a slender well hinged throatlatch, great depth of body, an excellent shoulder and very good withers. Her chest and shoulders are very well muscled and well proportioned. She does tend to be less bulky than Arbil throughout, more reminiscent of *El Paso. She has a very good Banat head good jibbah, nice eye, proportionately small muzzle and good deep jowl. She has a good top, and a strong quarter and very good depth of body. *Marieta can certainly be considered one of the better Arbil daughters, a group that includes Wiazma, Eula and Dziecielina. Surprisingly, the Arbil daughters have not only been beautiful themselves, but have passed that beauty along consistently to their offspring. It has to be the double Balalajka, combined with the beauty of Ellora and Carmen. The intense Witraz is also known to produce exceptional females. Her dam line is among the Poles' favorites Mitra is considered among the the best of the Celebes daughters, certainly on par with Algeria, Elewacja and Ekstaza. She had a superb build very Celebes-like with a long elegant neck and very good movement.
  • AHA Sweepstakes
  • C/A Clear
    SCID Clear
  • Richard Ames
Listing ID: 4540 TA Mozart - #2 This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Check, Certified Check, Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, PayPal
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 10 Days After Auction Closes
  • The high bidder in the auction will pay the bid price to the NCRHA. All other fees are paid to the stallion owner and/or the breeding manager at time of breeding. These fees include, but are not limited to booking/chute fees, shipping costs, mare care. Bidders from outside the United States may have additional fees.
  • Upon receipt of payment for the breeding, the NCRHA will send by mail a contract signed by the stallion owner acknowledging the contracted breeding and a 2021 Futurity entry postcard. A copy of the contract will also be mailed to the stallion owner. It is the bidder's responsibility to contact the owner in a timely manner to arrange the breeding.
  • The winning bidder in the 2017 North Central Reining Horse Association (NCRHA) Sire and Dam Auction has purchased from the NCRHA a stallion breeding donated by the stallion owner to be used by the bidder during the 2017 breeding season.

    The purchase applies only to the stallion breeding fee, and does not include fees such as, but not restricted to, booking/chute fees, shipping costs (FED EX, Counter to Counter), mare care, transportation, rebreeds. These fees are determined and collected by the individual stallion owners; the NCRHA has no responsibility for setting or collecting these fees.

    The mare owner may not sell or transfer this contract to another mare owner, without the express consent of the stallion owner. If the bidder's mare does not conceive during the 2017 breeding season or conceives but later aborts, it is the mare owner's responsibility to determine if a rebreed is acceptable during the succeeding breeding year. If the stallion allows a rebreed, the NCRHA will honor the breeding. The mare owner needs to notify NCRHA if their mare does not conceive during the 2017 season.

    The foal born to the mare as a result of the NCRHA breeding will be eligible for a free entry in the NCRHA 2021 Futurity, provided the mare owner returns to NCRHA a completed Futurity entry postcard.

    Upon receipt of payment for the breeding, the NCRHA will send by mail a contract signed by the stallion owner acknowledging the contracted breeding and a 2021 Futurity entry postcard. A copy of the contract will also be mailed to the stallion owner. It is the bidder's responsibility to contact the owner in a timely manner to arrange the breeding.

    All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to the NCRHA to support the NCRHA 2017 Futurity.
Listing ID: 4540 TA Mozart - #2 This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 4540 TA Mozart - #2 This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 4540 TA Mozart - #2 This Listing is Now Closed

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