NCRHA Sire and Dam Auction 2012-2013 (view all)
Dec 15, 2012 - Apr 19, 2013
Listing Closed

A Shiner Named Sioux This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 2028 Number of Times Viewed: 3556

A Shiner Named Sioux is a 2006 AQHA palomino stallion.



Jan 19 2013, 4:00 pm PST
  • High Bidder:
  • roosterreiner
  • High Bid:
  • $1,300.00 USD
  • # of Bids:
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 2028 A Shiner Named Sioux This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
Last edited: 12/4/2012 12:33:16 pm PSTLast edited: 12/4/2012 12:33:16 pm PST
  • A Shiner Named Sioux
  • Quarter Horse
  • Gainesville Texas 76240 United States  Map
  • $145,021
  • $2000
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • TBD
  • N/A
  • TBD
  • $650
  • TBD
  • additional charges for Canada buyers

  • Yes
  • 4827050
  • Palomino
  • 2006
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • LTE $154,971; 2009, NRCHA Open Futurity, top ten; Kalpowar RCH Open Futurity Champion; Kalpowar RCH Open; Stallion Stakes Champion. Finalist and money earner in the NRHA Open Intermediate, Limited and $500,000 Open Futurities.
    2010, AQHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; split 3rd NRCHA Open Derby; split 3rd, NRBC Intermediate Open Derby and finalist Open: Cowboy Classic $50,00 Limited Open Derby Co-Champion, Limited Open Reserve Champion and split 3rd, Intermediate Open; SRCHA Faith Pefomance Open Stallion Stakes Reserve Champion; split 5th, NRBC Intermediate Open Preliminary; SRCHA Faith Performance Derby Open Rein Work Champion and 4th, Overall.
    20011, NRHA Intermediate Open Derby Champion; NRHA Open Deerby Co-Reserve Champion.
    2012 Southwest RCHA Spring Open Bridles winner and SRCHA June Open Bridle Spectacular Reserve Champion.
    In AQHA Performance ROM Earning 15 open reining, 7 open working cow horse points. Qualified for the 1011 AQHA World Show in Junior Reiningg and Junior Working Cow Horse.
  • A Shiner Named Sioux's first foals are yearlings of 2012.
  • Shining Spark was the NRHA Open Derby Champion; AQHA Junior Reining Horse Champion; NRCHA #1 All-Time Leading Sire and the NRCHA'S First and Only Three Million Dollar Sire; 2010 NRCHA #1 Leading Sire; A 2010 NRHA Top 12 Leading Sire and NRHA's Youngest Three Million Dollar Sire; AQHA's #2 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, and the 2010 AQHA #8 Leading Sire of Open Performance Points-Earned, sireing the earners of $8,700,000 and 34,000 points, 427 ROM awards , 198 Superiors, including Shining N Sassy, $259,518, Shine By the Bay, $178,518; Miss Rey O Shine $159,715; Smart Shinetta, $132,394; Shine Smartly, $129,917; Shine Like Hail, $116,226.
  • Docs Sulena is a NRCHA Top 12 All-Time Leading Producer (2010)
    and a 2010 NRHA and NRCHA Leading Producer. Dam of 9 money-earners, $277,028.
  • NRBC Classic, NRCHA Stakes and NRHA Sire and Dam
Listing ID: 2028 A Shiner Named Sioux This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Check, Money Order, Bank Transfer
  • Within two weeks following end of auction
  • The high bidder in the auction will pay the bid price to the NCRHA. All other fees are paid to the owner and/or the breeding manager at time of breeding. These fees include, but are not limited to booking/chute fees, shipping costs, mare care. Bidders from outside the United States may have additional fees. After two weeks, the contract is revoked and the breeding will be offered to the bidder who had the next highest bid.
  • Once the payment for the breeding is received by a representative of the NCRHA, the buyer will receive (by USPS or email) a contract signed by the stallion owner. The stallion owner will also receive a copy of the contract with contact information. Once the contract is received you will need to contact the breeding manager in timely manner to arrange your breeding.
  • The winning bidder in the 2013 North Central Reining Horse Association (NCRHA) Sire and Dam Auction has purchased from the NCRHA a stallion breeding donated by the stallion owner to be used by the bidder during the 2013 breeding season. The purchase applies only to the breeding fees, and does not include fees such as, but not restricted to, booking/chute fees, shipping costs (FEDEX, Counter to Counter), mare care, transportation, rebreeds. These fees are determined and collected by the individual stallion owners; the NCRHA has no reponsibility for setting or collecting these fees. The mare owner may not sell or transfer this contract to another mare owner, without the express consent of the stallion owner. If the bidder's mare does not conceive during the 2013 breeding season or conceives but later aborts, it is the mare owner's reponsibility to determine if a rebreed is acceptable during the succeeding breeding year. If the stallion allows a rebreed, the NCRHA will honor the breeding. The foal born to the mare as a result of the NCRHA breeding will be eligible for a free entry in the NCRHA 2017 Futurity. Upon receipt of payment for the breeding, the NCRHA will send by mail a contract signed by the stallion owner acknowledging the contracted breeding. A copy of the contract will also be mailed to the stallion owner. It is the bidder's reponsibility to contact the owner in a timely manner to arange the breeding.

    All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to the NCRHA to support the NCRHA 2013 Futurity.

Listing ID: 2028 A Shiner Named Sioux This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 2028 A Shiner Named Sioux This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 2028 A Shiner Named Sioux This Listing is Now Closed

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