NRCHA Stallion Service Auction 2020 - 2021 (view all)
Dec 4, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Listing Closed

PlayinLightsOut This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 6435 Number of Times Viewed: 3012

Perfect Cow Horse Stallion! Standing for the first year in 2021.


Jan 23 2021, 2:46 pm PST
  • Buyer:
  • Tri-Star PH
  • Price:
  • $250.00 USD
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 6435 PlayinLightsOut This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
Last edited: 11/30/2020 10:12:11 am PSTLast edited: 11/30/2020 10:12:11 am PST
  • PlayinLightsOut
  • Quarter Horse
  • Blaisdell Ranch
  • Malad Idaho 83252 United States  Map
  • $50,045
  • $1000
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $300
  • Not Available
  • $500

  • 2021
  • Yes
  • 5484156
  • Chestnut
  • 2012
  • No
  • 4 Panel N/N, Herda N/H.
  • 2020 NRCHA SBF - Open Bridle Finalist
    2018 NRCHA Regional Champion
    2018 IRCHA Open Two Rein Champion
    2018 MRCHA Open Two Rein Champion
    2018 URCHA Open Two Rein Champion
    2018 GSSHA Open Two Rein Champion
    NRCHA Superior Cow Horse
  • 2020 was his First year at stud.
  • ROYAL FLETCH - NCHA Open Futurity Champion, Equi-Stat #1 Cutting Money-earner as a 3-year-old and is an NRCHA All-Time Leading Sire. 2019 RGP Top 15 Leading Reined Cow Horse Sire. Sire of 143 money earners with earnings in excess of 1.8 Million dollars and 1134 AQHA points. Average Earnings $11,800. Offspring include:

    HONKYTONK DIVA (Loverboys Missy, by Freckles Loverboy). $175,594: NCHA Limited Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion; 3rd, NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes; 5th, NCHA Non-Pro Derby; 4th, NCHA Super Stakes Limited Non-Pro Classic and finalist in the Non-Pro; NCHA Bronze Award; 4th, West Texas Non-Pro Derby, and finalist in the Open; split 7th NCHA Limited Non-Pro Futurity.

    METRO FLETCH (Mo Flo, by Mr Peponita Flo). $111,810: split 5th, NCHA Open Super Stakes; NCHA Bronze Award.

    ROYAL SMART FLETCH (Little Smart Gin ger, by Smart Little Lena). $93,183: finalist in the NRCHA Open Futurity; 3rd, NRCHA Celebration of Champions Open Derby; 6th, NRCHA Open Derby.

    FABULOUS FLETCH (Little Smart Gin ger, by Smart Little Lena). $80,350: 4th, 2019 NRCHA Open Futurity, 3rd Int. Open.

    PEPPYS ROYAL OUTLAW (Peppys Tachita, by Peppy San Badger). $72,611: NSHA Open Stock Horse Classic Champion; top 12, NRCHA Open Futurity; 5th, NRCHA Open Derby; AQHA High Point Senior Working Cow Horse, Superior Working Cow Horse, 58 pts.

    MOUTON (Play boys Vixen, by Hickoryote). $67,125: NCHA Bronze.

    PLAYIN FLETCH (Play boys Promise, by Freckles Play boy). $64,194: NRCHA Int. Open Stakes Reserve Champion;
    NRCHA Limited Open Derby Champion; NRCHA Int. Open Derby Reserve Champion; NRCHA Limited Open Stakes Reserve Champion; ROM.

    FLETCH THE CAT (Lil Sally Cat, by High Brow Cat). $54,828: Chisholm Trail Fall Classic Open and Limited Open Champion.

    FLETCHS HOT SHOT (Lean Little Lena, by Smart Little Lena). $52,105: finalist in the Breeders Invitational Open Derby; West Texas Open Futurity Reserve Champion.

    ITS STYLISH ROYALTY (Stylish Mom, by Docs Stylish Oak). $51,624: top 10, NCHA Amateur Super Stakes.

    NURSE FLETCH (High Brows Nurse, by High Brow Hickory). $50,316: NCHA Limited Open Classic/Challenge Champion.

    ROYAL ME TWICE (Royal Serena Belle, by Shorty Lena). $48,966: 4th, NCHA Non-Pro Classic/Challenge.

    FIRS T FLETCH (First Peg, by San Tip). $45,008: finalist in the NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic; semi-finalist in the NCHA Futurity, NCHA Super Stakes and NCHA Derby; 7th, AQHA World Junior Cutting.

    FLETCH ME IF YOU CAN (Sug Sug Could, by Doc’s Sug). $43,795 and 120 AQHA points: NRCHA Superior Reined Cow Horse.

    DARA FLETCH IN TIME (AUS) (Dara Cocas Pre view, by Oaks Cocoa Jay). $42,456: Australian NCHA Gold Cup Open Champion.

    PLAYINLIGHTSOUT (Lil Sally Cat, by High Brow Cat). $40,393: 2019 NRCHA Supreme Reined Cow Horse.

    FLETCH MY COW (A Short Bunny, by Shorty Lena). $40,174 and 78 AQHA points: AQHA Champion High Point Junior Working Cow Horse and Reserve Over all; top 10, NRCHA Open Stakes.

    HIGH BROW FLETCH (Lil Sally Cat, by High Brow Cat). $30,371: top 12, NRCHA Open Derby.

    SMART SMOKIN FLETCH (Smart Smokin Lena, by Smart Little Lena). $29,593: top 10, NCHA Eastern Nationals $3,000 Nov ice.

    DUALING FLETCH (Roseanna Dual, by Dual Pep). $25,766: top 10, NRCHA Open Stakes; Idaho RCHA Open Derby Co-Reserve Ch.

    STARLIGHT LITE (Lite N Sweet, by Grays Star light). $25,645: West Texas Open Futurity Co-Reserve Champion.

    YOUR ROYAL QUEEN (Montana Docs Queen, by Montana Doc). $23,823: NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes & Non-Pro Derby finalist.

    A ROYAL QUICK CAT (Slick Quick Cat, by High Brow Cat). $22,910: 4th, Oklahoma Early Bird Open Derby.

    DELTAS FLETCH (P) (Delta Zulena, by Delta Flyer). $19,261: NCHA Area 5 $15,000 Amateur Champion three times.

    FLETCH HAGAN (Little Lady Hagan, by Smart Little Lena). $18,007: NRCHA Non-Pro Hackamore World Champion, 3rd in the Open.

    ROYAL TIPSTER (Tipofthestar, by Grays Star light). $16,516: NRCHA Limited Open Futurity Reserve Champion.

    FLETCH MY SLIP PERS (Roseanna Dual, by Dual Pep). $14,266: NRCHA Limited Open Hackamore Classic Reserve Champion, NSHA Limited Open Derby Champion.

    FLETCHS CAT (Lil Sally Cat, by High Brow Cat). $12,163: ACHA World Open Derby Champion.

    HICKORY FLETCH (Hickorys Patty, by Doc’s Hickory). $11,898: NRCHA Amateur Futurity Reserve Champion.

    QUEEN MUM (A Short Bunny, by Shorty Lena). AQHA Reserve World Champion All-Age Open Team Penning Horse.

    ROYAL RED MERADA (A Stylish Red Merada, by Docs Stylish Oak). 183 points: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Ranch Sorting.
  • LIL SALLY CAT, by High Brow Cat. $14,514: Semi-finalist, NCHA Open Futurity; Central Texas 5/6-Year-Old Open Reserve Champion; finalist, Suncoast Fall Open Derby.

    Dam of--

    MR STYLISH CAT (Mr Playinstylish). $108,884: 3rd, 2014 NRCHA Open Futurity; 2015 Ft Worth AQHA Ranching Heritage 4-Year-Old Open Champion; top 10, 2015 NRCHA Celebration of Champions Open Derby.

    FLETCH THE CAT (f. by Royal Fletch). $54,828 & 19.5 AQHA points: finalist, NCHA Limited Open Derby; West Texas $200,000 Limited Open Derby Champion & split 5th in the Open Derby; split 5th, Breeders Invitational $100,000 Limited Rider Open Derby Champion; 6th, Chisholm Trail Fall Open & Limited Open Classic Champion; Brazos Bash Limited Open Champion.

    MR COMIN IN HOT (Mr Playinstylish). $28,278;
    HIGH BROW FLETCH (Royal Fletch). $24,262: top 15, NRCHA Open Derby; Colorado State Fair RCH Open Futurity Champion; Ft Worth AQHA Ranching Heritage 4-Year-Old Open Champion.

    FLETCHS CAT (Royal Fletch). $12,163: ACHA World Open Derby Champion; top 15, NCHA Nationals East $3,000 Novice.

    LIL FLETCH CAT (Royal Fletch). $10,362: San Antonio Open Derby Reserve Champion; 3rd, Chisholm Trail Fall Open Futurity.

    Fletch Lil Sally (Royal Fletch). $6,746: Chisholm Trail Fall Open Futurity Champion.
  • Chad Blaisdell
Listing ID: 6435 PlayinLightsOut This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Debit Card, Check, Certified Check, Money Order, Cash
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 10 Days After Auction Closes
  • The stallion owner or representative will send breeding contract directly to the winning bidder. The stallion owner or representative will be contacted with the winning bidder's contact information within 2 business days of payment clearing the NRCHA office.
  • You are bidding for one 2021 breeding contract donated to NRCHA by the stallion owner/agent for the 2020-2021 NRCHA Stallion Service Auction.

    The 2021 Stallion Breeding Contract is transferable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the highest amount for the 2021 breeding auctioned online with

    The mare owner/bidder will be purchasing the 2021 breeding services of the stallion specified. This contract is not transferable to any other mare owner and is for the 2021 breeding year only. The contract is for the breeding fee only. The mare owner/bidder will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of this contract, including but not limited to: veterinarian fees, chute fees, shipped semen fees, mare care, and all other expenses, to the stallion owner/agent.

    The NRCHA is not responsible for any cost, expenses, and/or charges related to the execution of the breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in this contract. NRCHA's involvement in and responsibility for the 2021 NRCHA ONLINE STALLION AUCTION terminates upon transfer of this contract to the mare owner/bidder. Breeding arrangements will be made between the stallion owner/agent and the purchaser.
Listing ID: 6435 PlayinLightsOut This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 6435 PlayinLightsOut This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 6435 PlayinLightsOut This Listing is Now Closed

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