NRCHA Stallion Service Auction 2018 - 2019 (view all)
Dec 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Listing Closed

Neat Little Cat This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 5451 Number of Times Viewed: 3685

LTE $279,505 and NCHA Gold Award. Neat little Cat is the Highest Earning son of High Brow Cat at the Lowest Breeding Fee!



Jan 15 2019, 6:40 pm PST
  • Buyer:
  • BillB
  • Price:
  • $250.00 USD
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 5451 Neat Little Cat This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • Neat Little Cat
  • Quarter Horse
  • Buckey Equine Veterinary Services
  • Weatherford Texas 76088 United States  Map
  • $279,505
  • $1,000
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • 1st two shipments included in chute fee
  • Not Available
  • contact Buckeye Equine
  • $650

  • 2019
  • Yes
  • 4081015
  • Chestnut
  • 2001
  • No
  • Earner of $279,505 and an NCHA Gold Award
    At four, 2005, Western Horseman Cup Open Reserve Champion; finalist in the NCHA Open Super Stakes; Brazos Bash Open Derby Reserve Champion; 7th, Augusta 4-Year-Old Open Futurity; top 10,
    PCCHA 4-Year-Old Open Stakes; finalist in the Suncoast Fall Open
    Derby; semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Derby.
    At five, 2006, Texas Cutting Classic Open Champion; split 5th, Abilene Spectacular Open Classic; split 7th, West Texas Open Classic;
    finalist in the Brazos Bash Open Classic and Music City Open Classic;
    semi-finalist in the NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic.
    At six, 2007, finalist in the NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic and
    NCHA Open Classic/Challenge; West Texas Open Classic Reserve
    Champion; split 6th, Augusta Open Classic; finalist in the Abilene
    Spectacular Open Classic and Memphis Open Classic.
    As an aged horse, 3rd, 2009 NCHA Open Top Ten; 4th, 2008 Open
    Finals; 7th, 2009 NCHA Open Finals; 6th, 2008 NCHA Open Top
    Ten; 7th, 2008 NCHA $10,000 Novice Top Ten; 8th, 2008 NCHA
    $10,000 Novice Finals; 4th, 2009 Congress 6666 World Series
    Open; 2008 NCHA Area 9 Open & $10,000 Novice Champion; split
    4th, 2009 Houston NCHA Open; 2009 Fort Worth NCHA Open winner;
    2011 Fort Worth AQHA Senior Cut ting winner.
    In AQHA events, 2010, 2011 & 2012 AQHA World Champion ship Senior
    Cutting qualifier; Open ROM, 25 points.
  • IN THE STUD (Includes APHA)
    Total Foals 2490 Foals of Performance Age 175
    3-year-olds of 2015 404 Money-Earners 33
    Total Earnings $266,669 Average Earnings $8,081
    NEAT LITTLE NELLIE (Miss Ringtail Tooter, by Peppys Lil Wil).
    $53,656 to 4, 2013: 2013 PCCHA Summer Open Derby Reserve
    Champion; finalist in the 2013 Bonanza and Abilene Spectacular
    Open Derbies; semi-final ist in the 2012 NCHA Open Futurity and
    2013 NCHA Open Super Stakes.
    CC CAT (Classy Lil Tivio, by GV Classy Pepper). $32,812
    NEAT LITTLE SHORTY (Playing Short, by Shorty Lena). $28,026, 2013:
    semi-finalist in the 2013 NCHA Open Derby.
    NEATNIK (Miss Royal Merada, by Freckles Merada). $22,292,
    2013: split 6th, Big Sky Open Futurity; 6th, 2013 Big Sky Open
    Derby; finalist in the Idaho Open Futurity.
    FORT WORTHS NEAT (Fort Worth Sky line, by Mr Sky line Peppy).
    $12,735 to 4, 2013: 2013 NCHA Senior $50,000 Amateur Super
    Stakes Champion, 4th in the $50,000 Amateur; 2013 Cot ton Stakes
    $50,000 Amateur Derby Reserve Champion, finalist in the $100,000
    Amateur; 6th, 2013 West Texas $50,000 Amateur Derby, finalist in
    the $100,000 Amateur.
    Neat Dualin Bells (Dualin Rondee, by Smart Little Rondee). $6,152
    NEAT DYNACAT (Dyna Badger, by Dyna mite Badger). $5,569 to 4, 2013:
    fi nal ist in the 2012 NCHA Limited Open Futurity.
    Neat Movin Cat (Dualin Rondee, by Smart Little Rondee). $4,218
    NCHA to 4, 2013.
    Pretty Neat Cat (Quixotes Lit tle Pep, by Cheno Pep). $3,987: NCHA
    Certificate of Ability.
    NEAT SUMMER DAY (Typical Summer Heat, by Typical Hickory).
    $3,098 NCHA.
    NEAT LITTLE CD (CD Black Eyed Susie, by CD Olena. Olena). $2,485 to 4, 2013.
    NEAT KITTY CORNER (Bobcorn, by Bob Acre Doc). $1,894 to 4, 2013.
    HESA NEAT THING (Tincie Darling, by Haidas Lit tle Pep). $1,433: finalist
    in the 2013 Canadian Supreme Open to the World Open Derby
  • High Brow Cat - Offspring Earnings $76,000,000+

    Lifetime earnings of $110,784. Equi-Stat's All Time Leading Cutting Sire. His offspring have earnings in excess of
    $76,000,000 & have produced get with earnings in excess of $125,600,000.
  • Neat Little May by Smart Little Lena, $4,614. 1994 NCHA Fut 3YO OP
    money earner. Dam of:

    NEAT LITTLE CAT (High Brow Cat), $279,505.

    SMART BOBBI SOCK (Bob Acre Doc), $75,169. 2004 NCHA
    Summer Spectacular 4YO LMT AM Champion; 2004 PCCHA
    Derby 4YO OP & NP finalist; 2004 The Non Pro 4YO NP finalist;
    2004 Brazos Bash 4YO OP finalist; 2004 PCCHA Fut 4YO
    NP finalist; 2004 Music City Fut 4YO OP finalist; 2004 Bonanza
    Cutting 4YO NP finalist; 2004 NCHA Super Stakes 4YO OP &
    NP semifinalist; 2005 Bonanza Cutting 5 & 6YO NP Co-Reserve
    Champion; 2005 Augusta Fut 5 & 6YO NP finalist; 2005 Tunica
    Fut 5 & 6YO OP finalist; 2005 NCHA Super Stakes 5 & 6YO
    NP finalist.

    NEAT LITTLE RAY (Dual Rey), $59,774. 2008 PCCHA Fut
    3YO NP Champion; 2008 Brazos Bash 3YO NP Champion;
    2008 Music City Fut 3YO NP finalist; 2009 Abilene Spectacular
    4YO NP Co-Champion; 2009 PCCHA Fut 4YO OP Reserve
    Champion & 4th NP; 2009 West Texas Fut 4th 4YO LMT AM;
    2009 Breeders Invitational 4th (tie) 4YO AM; 2009 Bonanza
    Cutting 4YO NP finalist.

    REYZOR (Dual Rey) $12,191, 2015 NCHA Super Sakes 4th 4YO LMT AMT & UN LMT AM Finalist.

    Neat Little Kitty (High Brow Cat), $8,201. 2010 NCHA Super
    Stakes 4th 5 & 6YO OP; 2010 NCHA Summer Spectacular 4th
    5 & 6YO LMT OP.

    Ebrdancinnthboonlite (Peptoboonsmal), $5,966. 2007 B&B
    Productions 4YO NP Champion.

    Neat Little Acre (Bob Acre Doc), $4,947. 2003 Waller Aged Event
    3rd 5 & 6YO OP.

    Mama May I (Dual Pep), $1,129. 2010 Colorado Gold Circuit 4 &
    5YO OP Co-Reserve Champion; 2010 Twisted Wire Derby 4th
    4 & 5YO OP.

    Neat Cat Ichi (Cat Ichi), NCHA & ACHA money earner.
  • Foals eligible -
    NCHA Super Stakes
  • Neat little Cat is the Highest Earning son of High Brow Cat at the Lowest Breeding Fee!
  • Jim & Judy Spaulding
Listing ID: 5451 Neat Little Cat This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Debit Card, Check, Certified Check, Money Order, Cash
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 10 Days After Auction Closes
  • The stallion owner or representative will send breeding contract directly to the winning bidder. The stallion owner or representative will be contacted with the winning bidder's contact information within 2 business days of payment clearing the NRCHA office.
  • You are bidding for one 2019 breeding contract donated to NRCHA by the stallion owner/agent for the 2018-2019 NRCHA Stallion Service Auction.The 2019 Stallion Breeding Contract is transferable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the highest amount for the 2019 breeding auctioned online with mare owner/bidder will be purchasing the 2019 breeding services of the stallion specified. This contract is not transferable to any other mare owner and is for the 2019 breeding year only. The contract is for the breeding fee only. The mare owner/bidder will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of this contract, including but not limited to: veterinarian fees, chute fees, shipped semen fees, mare care, and all other expenses, to the stallion owner/agent.The NRCHA is not responsible for any cost, expenses, and/or charges related to the execution of the breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in this contract. NRCHA's involvement in and responsibility for the 2019 NRCHA ONLINE STALLION AUCTION terminates upon transfer of this contract to the mare owner/bidder. Breeding arrangements will be made between the stallion owner/agent and the purchaser.
Listing ID: 5451 Neat Little Cat This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 5451 Neat Little Cat This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 5451 Neat Little Cat This Listing is Now Closed

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