MRHA Stallion Stakes 2015-2016 (view all)
Nov 28, 2015 - May 30, 2016
Listing Closed

Zack T Wood This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 3641 Number of Times Viewed: 4096

AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse


Apr 19 2016, 6:54 pm PDT
  • Buyer:
  • rws813
  • Price:
  • $500.00 USD
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 3641 Zack T Wood This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
Last edited: 3/18/2016 02:49:19 pm PDTLast edited: 3/18/2016 02:49:19 pm PDT
  • Zack T Wood
  • Quarter Horse
  • Alpha Equine Breeding Center
  • Granbury Texas 76049 United States  Map
  • $182,423.00
  • $2,400.00
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $100 picked up, $150 Fed Ex, $250 fly
  • no
  • $600.00
  • $22.00 per day wet, $18.00 per day dry

  • 2016
  • Yes
  • 2460366
  • sorrel
  • 1986
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • Dick Gaines
  • Life Time Earnings: $182,423

    AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse
    1989 NCHA Futurity Open Finalist
    1989 Sunbelt Futurity Open Reserve Champion
    1990 Abilene Open Derby Finalist
    1990 Memphis Open Derby Finalist
    1990 Augusta Open Derby Finalist
    1990 Bonanza Open Derby Finalist
    1990 NCHA Super Stakes Open & Non-Pro Finalist
    1990 NCHA Derby Open & Non-Pro Finalist
    1990 NCHA Breeders Cup Open Derby Finalist
    1990 Will Rogers Open Derby Champion
    1991 Augusta Open 5/6 Finalist
    1991 Memphis Non-Pro 5/6 Finalist
    1991 NCHA Super Stakes Open 5/6 Finalist
    1991 The Non Pro 5/6 Non-Pro Finalist
    1991 NCHA Derby 5/6 Open Champion and Non-Pro Finalist
    1992 Montgomery 5/6 Open Finalist
    1992 Augusta 5/6 Open Finalist
    1992 NCHA Derby 5/6 Open Finalist
  • Sire of Offspring with earnings in excess of $5,278,640

    Sire Of:

    Nu I Wood
    Wood I Never $364,477
    Wood Ya Wanna $300,057
    Clays Little Kit $235,432
    Mocha Cappuccino $224,495
    Zacks Lena $150,413
    Peptowood $140,312
    Zacks Four Wood $134,800
    I Knew She Wood $133,481
    Zacks Little Bowman $119,749
    Peppy Zack $116,304
    Frappuccino N Pasta $105,470
  • DOC TARI (LTE $16,942)
    offspring earnings in excess of $5,626,058
  • LINTONS LADY DOC (LTE $114,218)
    1985 NCHA Derby Open Finalist, 1985 Lazy E Open Champion) offspring earnings in excess of $292,293.
  • HERDA Negative (N/N)
    EVA (Equine Viral Arteritis) Negative and vaccinated
Listing ID: 3641 Zack T Wood This Listing is Now Closed
  • Check, Certified Check, Money Order
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 10 Days After Auction Closes
  • Payment that is not received within 10 days will result in a no sale. Non-payment will be reported to Perfect Horse Auctions. Perfect Horse Auctions suspends bidding privileges for on-payment of breeding’s.
  • Buyer will receive, from MRHA, a stallion breeding contract by USPS mail after payment is received and cleared.
  • You are bidding for 1 (one) 2016 stallion breeding contract donated to the Montana Reining Horse Association (MRHA) by the owner/agent for the 2015 MRHA Stallion Stakes Auction. Proceeds from this auction will be used to operate and fund a Stallion Stakes Futurity at the MRHA Big Sky Classic. This 2016 stallion breeding contract is transferrable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the highest amount for the 2015 breeding auctioned online with

    The mare owner/bidder will be purchasing in full the 2016 services of the stallion specified. The mare owner will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of this contract including, but not limited to, veterinarian fees, chute fees, mare care and other expenses. MRHA is not responsible for any costs, expenses and or charges related to execution of the breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in the contract. MRHA’s involvement in and responsibility for the 2015 Montana Reining Horse Stallion Service Auction terminates upon transfer of the 2016 breeding contract to the mare owner/bidder.
    MRHA, not the stallion owner, shall deliver the donor’s existing stallion breeding contract to the winning bidder, who will present the contract to the standing farm for receipt of the breeding. MRHA will take no responsibility for any other contractual agreements. The breeding will sell under terms and conditions of the current breeding contract. The MRHA Stallion Stakes Auction acts only as agent in this sale and will not be responsible for accident, sickness or death to any stallion, mare and/or foal.
    Upon transfer of the breeding contract to the successful bidder, it shall be from that point forward the responsibility of the bidder to sign and return the contract to the stallion owner and to otherwise perform the terms of the contract. If the stallion dies before the said donated breeding occurs and no other comparable stallions are available to the purchaser, MRHA will reimburse the winning bidder the full amount of the winning bid.
Listing ID: 3641 Zack T Wood This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 3641 Zack T Wood This Listing is Now Closed

Questions & Answers (Login Required to Post Question or Comment)

Alanna890 (Apr 18, 2016, 5:18 pm)
Is the chute fee in addition to the bid? Thanks
Listing ID: 3641 Zack T Wood This Listing is Now Closed

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Please contact the seller for further information, requests, or questions regarding this auction.