The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.
$10 to $12 per day
Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.
LTE over $35,000; 2010 MRCHA Reserve Bridle Champion; 2010 MRHA Open Champion; 2009 MRCHA Stallion Stakes Bridle Champion; 2009 Big Sky Classic and Derby Open and Limited Open Derby Champion; 2009 MRCHA Two Rein Reserve Champion; 2009 Twised Wire Reining Cowhorse Two Rein Champion; 2008 MRCHA Stallion Stakes Derby Champion and Open Derby Reserve Champion; 2008 Twisted Wire Renined Cowhorse Derby Open Hackamore Champion; 2008 Crazy Mountain Summer Slide Open and Intermediate Open Champion; 2007 Cardston Slide Novice Horse Open Champion; 2007 MRCHA Stallion Stakes Derby Open Champion; 2007 Twised Wire Reined Cowhorse Derby Reserve Champion; 2006 High Desert Reined Cowhorse Futurity Reserve Champion and Futurity Limited Open Champion; 2006 MRCHA Futurity Stallion Stakes Champion and Open Futurity Reserve Champion
ELANS PLAYBOY LTE $30,307 (NCHA $20,209) and 30 AQHA open points, 2000 AQHA World Champion Senior Cutting Horse; 2001 Fort Worth Stock Show AQHA Senior Cutting winner under both judges; 1997 Fort Worth Stock Show AQHA Junior Cutting winner; a finalist in the 1999 NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic/Challenge, 1997 Bonanza 4-Year-Old Open Futurity and the 1997 Memphis 4-Year-Old Open Futurity; ROM. ELANS PLAYBOY had limited showing as a young horse due to an injury.
Ms Holibar Three is the dam of NRHA money earners
MRHA Stallion Stakes
Listing ID: 1364 Elans Holibar This Listing is Now Closed
Listing ID: 1364 Elans Holibar This Listing is Now Closed
Check, Certified Check, Money Order, Cash
Payments are due by Monday, March 12, 2012. If payment is not received by that date, the breeding will be sold to the next highest bidder or reopened for bid if no other bids were received.
Payments are due to the MRHA.
Complete payment information will be sent to the winning bidder by email when the bidding closes. The breeding contract will be sent to the winning bidder by United States Postal Service after payment has been received.
You are bidding for one 2012 stallion breeding contract donated by the stallion owner/agent to the Montana Reining Horse Association (MRHA). Proceeds from this auction will be used to operate and fund a Stallion Stakes Futurity at the MRHA Big Sky Classic. Three year old offspring from a stallion whose breeding sells through the 2012 auction are eligible to compete in the 2012 and the 2016 MRHA Stallion Stakes. This 2012 stallion breeding contract will be sent to the person who bids the highest amount for the 2012 breeding auctioned online with (PHA). The auction will be administered according to terms in the bidding instructions provided by PHA to persons who register as buyers with PHA.
The winning bidder will be purchasing in full the 2012 breeding services of the stallion specified. The winning bidder will be bound by the breeding contract specified by the stallion selected.
The winning bidder will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of the stallion breeding contract including, but not limited to, veterinarian fees, chute fees, booking fees, mare care, shipped semen expenses, and any other expenses that are incurred. The bid is for the actual breeding only. MRHA is not responsible for any costs, expenses and/or charges related to execution of breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in the stallion breeding contract. Upon transfer of the breeding contract to the successful bidder, it shall be from that point forward the responsibility of the bidder to sign and return the contract to the stallion owner and to otherwise perform the terms of the contract. If the stallion dies before the said donated breeding occurs and no other comparable stallions are available to the purchaser, MRHA will reimburse the winning bidder the full amount of the winning bid.
This breeding is not transferable and cannot be sold by the winning bidder to a third party without the express written consent of the MRHA.
Listing ID: 1364 Elans Holibar This Listing is Now Closed
Listing ID: 1364 Elans Holibar This Listing is Now Closed
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Please contact the seller for further information, requests, or questions regarding this auction.