GWRHA Select Stallion Service Auction 2017 - 2018 (view all)
Nov 23, 2017 - Jan 30, 2018
Listing Closed

Vista Equine LLC This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 4773 Number of Times Viewed: 4468


Dec 30 2017, 4:05 pm PST
  • High Bidder:
  • tcbrose33
  • High Bid:
  • $2,750.00 USD
  • # of Bids:
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 4773 Vista Equine LLC This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • $2800
  • Ask Owner
  • Ask Owner

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • ($12/day dry; $18/wet; $11.50/day for the recipient)

  • 2018
  • Yes
  • 012345
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • Vista Equine Donates:
    - 1 embryo transfer (less the lease of the recipient) - $2,350 value
    - 1 cycle of management for the donor mare - $450 value
    - Total donated value - $2,800

    High Bidder is responsible for:
    - Lease of the pregnant recipient ($1,550 which includes a $500 refundable when the recipient is returned).
    - Board while the mares are at Vista Equine ($12/day dry; $18/wet; $11.50/day for the recipient).
    - Any additional donor management cycles necessary ($350 per cycle if breeding with cooled semen; $450 if breeding with frozen semen).
    - The embryo transfer is to be used during the 2018 breeding season and comes with a live foal guarantee as outlined in the Vista Equine embryo transfer contract.
  • Vista Equine Colorado, LLC
Listing ID: 4773 Vista Equine LLC This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Debit Card, Check, Certified Check, Money Order, Cash
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 10 Days After Auction Closes
  • Once the payment for the breeding is received by a representative of the GWRHA, the stallion owner will receive an email from us to let them know you are the buyer of the breeding. We will attach you in this email so you will receive it at the same time. They will then send you a contract for the 2018 breeding season. Once the contract is received you will need to contact the breeding manager in timely manner to arrange your breeding.
  • The auction is for the "breeding fee only". All additional charges, booking, chute, mare care, shipped semen, veterinary bills, etc. are the responsibility of the mare owner and need to be discussed between the mare owner and stallion owner/agent. GWRHA has no responsibility for setting or collecting the additional fees.

    The breeding season for this contract begins February 1, and closes July 1, 2018. Mare owner shall be entitled to one return privilege in the following year for the same mare, if said the resulting foal does not stand and suck pursuant to this contract or in the event of mares death, or vet certified breeding unsoundness of mare; a substitute mare may be used. The mare owner may not sell or transfer this contract to another mare owner, without the express consent of the stallion owner. Any and all 2019 re-breed fees are the responsibility of the buyer.
    The Great Western Reining Horse Association acts only as agent in this sale and will not be responsible for accident, sickness, or death to any stallion, mare and/or foal.

    The Foal resulting from this breeding will receive one paid up Level 4 Open or Level 4 Non Pro Derby entry of the Best Little Derby In The West. Free entry is nontransferable.

    Upon receipt of payment for the breeding, there will be an email sent out to the Stallion owners to let them know who purchased their stallion for breeding season. Also, the email will be sent to the buyer, they will send you a contract and start to deal with you. It is the bidder's responsibility to contact the stallion owner in a timely manner to arrange the breeding.

    All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to the GWRHA to support the GWRHA 2018 Best Little Derby In the West hosted by GWRHA.
Listing ID: 4773 Vista Equine LLC This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 4773 Vista Equine LLC This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 4773 Vista Equine LLC This Listing is Now Closed

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Please contact the seller for further information, requests, or questions regarding this auction.