CNYRHA Northeast Breeders Trust 2010 - 2011 (view all)
Nov 30, 2010 - Feb 15, 2011
Listing Closed

QTS Crystal Bear This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 618 Number of Times Viewed: 2857


Listing Closed

Feb 15 2011, 7:00 pm PST
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 618 QTS Crystal Bear This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • QTS Crystal Bear
  • APHA
  • Franklin Kentucky 42134 United States  Map
  • $750.00
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $250.00
  • $250.00

  • Homozygous Buckskin Tobiano
  • 1999
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • 2002 APHA World Show Finalist – 6th

    NRHA Futurity Finalist – 14th

    2003 NRHA Reserve World Champion

    9 time NRHA Bronze Winner

    11 time NRHA Pewter Winner

    2007 ARHA World Champion

    2007 Two Time ARHA Reserve World Champion

  • QT Poco Streke (Homozygous Black Tobiano Stallion) by Pepsi Poco (Bay Tobiano Stallion) and out of Beau W Streaker (Black Tobiano Mare). QT Poco Streke's is the 1996 APHA Reserve World Champion at the Open Reining Stakes, the 1995 APHA World Congress Champion, 1995 OCAP High Point Reiner, 1995 OCAP Reserve High Point Reiner, 2 time NRHA Champion, 2 time NRHA Limited Open Champion, NRHA Bronze Winner, NRHA Certificate of Merit, 1995 MWRHA High Point Open Reiner,1995 MWRHA High Point Limited Open Reiner and received his Register of Merit with 28 APHA reining points. Sire of 45 foals with performance records as follows: 25 Halter points, 769 Performance Points, 24 ROM's, 5 Superiors and 1 World National Champion. Foals include: reference sire QT's Crystal Bear with $10K in NRHA earnings (and still competing) and 9 APHA points, Finale with 78 APHA Reining Points, ROM and Superior, QTs Action King with 77 APHA Reining Points, ROM and Superior, Chasen Aces with 115 APHA Performance Points 4 ROM's and a Superior, QTS Blue Eyes with 58 APHA Performance Points, ROM and Superior and QTS Crystal Image with 83 APHA Reining points, ROM, Superior and World National Champion Title. Ima QT Bear with 4 APHA Reining Points, $966.71 in NRHA Earnings, 2003 APHA World Champion in Freestyle. QT Poco Streke is by Pepsi Poco sire of APHA Champion offspring, ROM Performance Offspring, NRHA Champion Offspring and High Point Offspring; by Q Ton Ace H; by O Ton Eagle 2 Time APHA National Champion Halter (1964 and 1966), 1966 APHA National Champion Reining, 2 Time APHA National Champion get of sire (1968 & 1969), 1966 APHA Reserve National Champion Get of Sire, 17 APHA Halter Points (6 Grands), 5 APHA Performance Points, ROM Reining. On QT Poco Streke's dam side he is out of such greats as Beau Shoshone who was the 1976 APHA Champion with 21 Halter Points (4 Grands, 5 Reserves) 32 APHA Performance Points, ROM Hunter Under Saddle and Western Pleasure, Points in Reining; by Painted Shoshone with 6 APHA Performance Points.
  • McBear Crystal (Dun Tobiano Mare) by Little Black Bear (Black Tobiano Stallion) and out of Barry's Holly (AQHA Dun Mare). McBear Crystal is the dam of 7 foals, 5 old enough to compete and 4 foals with performance records as follows: reference sire QT's Crystal Bear with $10K in NRHA earnings (and still competing) and 9 APHA points, QTS Crystal Image with 83 APHA Reining Points, ROM, Superior $715.43 in NRHA earnings and World National Champion Title, QT's Solid Gold with 34 APHA Reining Points, Ima QT Bear with 4 APHA Reining Points, $966.71 in NRHA earnings and 2003 World Championship in Freestyle. McBear Crystal has produced 4 Dun Tobianos, 1 Grullo Tobiano, 1 Buckskin Tobiano and 1 Bay Tobiano. McBear Crystal is by Little Black Bear, APHA World Champion Grandsire, Superior and ROM producing offspring; by Pepsi Poco.
  • APHA Breeders Trust, NRHA Sire and Dam Program,

    ABI, Gordyville Breeders Cup, Kentucky Breeders Incentive Fund.
Listing ID: 618 QTS Crystal Bear This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Check, Money Order
Listing ID: 618 QTS Crystal Bear This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 618 QTS Crystal Bear This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 618 QTS Crystal Bear This Listing is Now Closed

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