CNYRHA Northeast Breeders Trust 2010 - 2011 (view all)
Nov 30, 2010 - Feb 15, 2011
Listing Closed

Lenas Sugarman This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 611 Number of Times Viewed: 4048


Feb 15 2011, 6:42 pm PST
  • High Bidder:
  • KCashatt
  • High Bid:
  • $600.00 USD
  • # of Bids:
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 611 Lenas Sugarman This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • Lenas Sugarman
  • Quarter Horse
  • Springbrook Twp Pennsylvania 18444 United States  Map
  • $1,500.00
  • Available
  • Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $300.00
  • $500.00
  • $10 per day

  • 2984361
  • Sorrel
  • 1991
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • Lenas Sugarman was trained for cutting events in Texas and
    established his cutting record in NCHA world class cutting events.

    In 1999 Sugarman was campaigned in NRHA (National Reining Horse Association), earning 3rd in open competition. In 2000, Sugarman finished his reigning career and was retired to stud after winning 2 gold medals in the USET Festival of Champions. His athleticism enables him to be competitive in cutting, reining and working cow horse events.

  • LENAS SUGARMAN is the sire of the earners of $259,652, (NRHA $135,000 / NCHA $50,487 / NRCHA $35,873 / AIF $5,194) and 595 AQHA points, including HAGANS SUGARMAN ($61,628 & 72 AQHA points: NRHA Intermediate Open Futurity Champion; Equi-Stat Intermediate Open Reining #1 Money-Earner in 2000; High Desert Open Snaffle Bit Futurity Reserve Champion; top 10, AQHA World Show Working Cowhorse), SUGAR CAT MAN (82 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Junior Reining Champion; European Junior Reining Reserve Champion; AQHA Superior Reining),PEG GAY LENA ($38,913: PCCHA Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion and top 10 Open; finalist in the Steamboat Springs Open Derby, PCCHA Non-Pro Futurity,
    Gold Coast Open Futurity), SUGARMANS BELLE ($16,302 (NRHA $13,977): Champion, Firecracker Classic Int-Open Derby; split 4th, Carolina Classic Int-Open Derby; 4th, Gordyville Breeders Cup Open to the World Intermediate Open Derby), SUGAR PEPPY GIRL ($14,222: NCHA Certificate of Ability; split 3rd, Georgia CHA 5/6-Year-Old Open), KRK A LITTLE SUGAR ($12,525: Mid American Sales Limited Open Futurity Champion, Reserve Intermediate Open & Open), PLAY SUGARMAN ($10,810: second in the Reined Work of the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity; Reserve Champion, Fireecracker Classic Intermediate Open Derby; ROM), SUGAR MEWTWO (APHA) ($9,685: 4th, NRCHA Limited Open Snaffle Bit Futurity), LENAS SUGAR-SHINE ($9,310: 4th, 2007 NRCHA Limited Open Derby; 2007 NRCHA TX Star Limited Open Derby
    Champion; 3rd, SW RCHA Fall Classic Limited Open Derby), DOC OLENA TWICE (APHA) ($7,807: Eastern PA RHA Novice Horse Open Champion; Willowbrook Classic Reining Novice Horse Open Reserve Champion), LITTLE REY LENA ($6,959 & 55 AQHA points: Congress AQHA Junior Reining Champion and NRHA Novice Horse Open Co-
    Champion; Ardmore Cowhorse Classic Non-Pro Futurity Champion; Superior
    Reining in 2007), LENAS SUGAR DOLLY (APHA) ($6,773: Montana RCH Futurity
    Limited Open Bridle Champion), DUTCHESS SUGAR DUDE ($6,127 & 180 AQHA points: Open Superior Reining; Youth Superior Reining in 2007; NRBC Intermediate Open winner),LENAS SUGAR DAPPLED ($6,022: 2007 E. PA RHA Fall Spooktacular Novice Horse Non-Pro Champion; split 3rd, 2007 Congress NRHA Sr Youth Reining; 2007 E. PA RHA No Foolin Slide Novice Horse Non-Pro Champion), SUGARS GOOD N PLENTY
    ($5,673: Texas September Slide Open Reining Futurity Reserve Champion), SUGARMANS KID ($5,535: E PA RHA Thunder Open Reserve Champion), LENAS
    FLASHY SUGARMAN (APHA) ($5,506: Canadian June Reining Circuit Novice/Non-
    Pro Champion), SUGAR FORE SHINERS ($4,000: semi-finalist, NRCHA Open Futurity),
    SWEET SUGAR PEPPY ($3,576: PHBA Reserve World Champion Junior Working
    Cowhorse, 3rd Reining), SUGAR PAINTED CHIC (APHA) (145 points: Open Cutting & Reining ROM; Amateur Reining & Trail ROM; Superior Amateur Western Pleasure).
  • LENAS SUGARMAN is sired by Hall of Fame stallion DOC O’LENA, #7 All-Time Leading Sire.
  • SUGAR GAY BAR, by Doc’s Sug. $105,513: NCHA Silver Award; 5th, NCHA Open Derby; split 5th, NCHA Classic; Chevy Nationals $20,000 Amateur Champion; NCHA Open Top 15 twice; ROM, 23 points. Dam of-- SUGARS SMARTY LENA (g. by Smart
    Little Lena). $82,746: NCHA $20,000 Non-Pro Reserve World Champion. LENAS SUGARMAN. Reference. PLAYBOYS SUGAR BABY (f. by Freckles Playboy). $23,962 & 41 points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Amateur Cutting. SUGARS BABY LENA (f. by Doc O’Lena). $19,283: 4th, NCHA $3,000 Novice Top Ten. HES HICKORY SUGAR (g. by Doc’s Hickory). $16,064.
  • National Reining Breeders Cup, the NRHA Sire and Dam Program, AQHA incentive fund, and the NCHA Superstakes 2002.

Listing ID: 611 Lenas Sugarman This Listing is Now Closed
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Listing ID: 611 Lenas Sugarman This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 611 Lenas Sugarman This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 611 Lenas Sugarman This Listing is Now Closed

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