CNYRHA Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction 2018 - 2019 (view all)
Feb 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2019
Listing Closed

Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 5792 Number of Times Viewed: 2326



Feb 9 2019, 7:39 pm PST
  • High Bidder:
  • Cman
  • High Bid:
  • $800.00 USD
  • # of Bids:
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 5792 Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • $416,709
  • $1,500
  • Available
  • Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $250 Fed Ex $400 for Frozen.
  • $400 plus $250 processing for Canadian shipments
  • $350
  • $400. Chute fee is waived for frozen shipments.
  • 20/22

  • 2019
  • Yes
  • 4438585
  • Sorrel
  • 2003
  • No
  • LTE $416,709 - NCHA Hall of Fame

    2006 NCHA Futurity Open Reserve CHAMPION - CHAMPION Stallion
    2007 Abilene Derby Open Finalist - 3rd Place
    2007 Memphis Derby Open Reserve CHAMPION - CHAMPION Stallion
    2007 Bonanza Derby Open Finalist
    2007 NCHA Super Stakes Derby Open Semi-Finalist
    2007 Cotton Stakes Derby Open Finalist
    2007 Breeders Invitational Derby Open Finalist - 10th Place
    2007 NCHA Derby Open Semi-Finalist
    2007 West Texas Derby Open Reserve CHAMPION - CHAMPION Stallion
    2007 Music City Derby Open Finalist - 4th Place - CHAMPION Stallion
    2007 Brazos Bash Derby Open Finalist - 4th Place
    2007 South Point Futurity Open Derby Finalist - 3rd Place - CHAMPION Stallion
    2007 PCCHA Cutting Stakes Open CHAMPION
    2007 UCHA Derby Open CHAMPION
    2008 Abilene Classic Open Finalist
    2008 Western Horseman Cup Open Finalist - 6th Place
    2008 Tunica Classic Open Finalist
    2008 NCHA Super Stakes Classic Open Finalist - 9th Place
    2008 NCHA Summer Spectacular Classic Open Finalist - 4th Place - CHAMPION Stallion
    2008 Music City Classic Open Finalist - 7th Place
    2008 Brazos Bash Classic Non Pro Finalist
    2008 Brazos Bash Classic Non Pro Ltd Reserve CHAMPION
    2008 South Point Classic Open Finalist
    2008 South Point Classic Non Pro Ltd CHAMPION
    2008 South Point Classic Non Pro Finalist - 5th Place
  • Produce Earnings $3,624,377 - 596 LAE Finalists to date 120+ CHAMPIONS & 100+ Reserve CHAMPIONS
    Once You Go Black $185,127 Consistent CHAMPION, numerous top finishes in LAE!! - View Video
    Overdrive $152,917 2013 NCHA Derby Open Res CHAMP - Abilene Derby Open CHAMPION - View Video
    SDP Hydriven Hicapoo $136,647 2013 Brazos Bash Derby Non-Pro Reserve CHAMPION! - View Video
    Tuned Up To Drive $112,697 2014 NCHA Futurity NP Res CHAMPION - View Video
    Somethingtobelievein $105,459 2016 NCHA Futurity Ltd Non-Pro CHAMPION
    Driving Miss Dreamer (Aus) $91,533 2015 NCHA Australia Derby Open CHAMPION
    Short Drive $85,405 2014 Cattlemans Derby Open Res CHAMPION - View Video
    Hy On Turps (Aus) $84,525 2014 NCHA Australian Futurity Open CHAMPION
    SDP Got The Cat Gene $80,592 2013 NCHA Super Stakes NP & BI Derby NP Finalist! - View Video
    Flirten Cat $76,924 Multiple Open & Non-Pro LAE Finals
    Cryogenic $76,908 Champion and consistent LAE Finalist!
    SDP Hicapoo Cat $74,645 2015 NCHA Derby Ltd Open Reserve CHAMPION
    Sugar Hy $72,163 2013 NCHA Super Stakes Derby NP 4th
    World Series Cat (Aus) $71,843 100% finalist to date!
    SDP Overdrive $69,124 2013 Canadian Supreme Derby Open CHAMPION
    Plan Smart Ride Acat $67,046 2013 Congress Derby Open CHAMPION
    Hydrive Cougar $64,141 Consistent finalist and CHAMPION of many LAE!
    Driven Dirty $63,876 Outstanding Open LAE Horse - View Video
    Lotterey Ticket $57,310 Tremendous talent and big scores!
    Swing Thru The Drive $56,962 2015 NCHA Super Stakes Classic NP 3rd Place
    Bingos Cat (BZ) $55,522 All-time leading money earner in Brazil! - View Video
    Driven Me Crazy $52,349 2015 NCHA Super Stakes Ltd NP CHAMPION
    SDP Gretchens Kitty $50,750 2012 NCHA Futurity Open SF & Ltd Open Finalist
    Flash Drive (Aus) $50,330 2013 NCHA Australia Open Futurity Fin & Toowoomba Fut NP CHAMP - View Video
    Hy Lights $48,436 Multiple Open & Amateur LAE Finals
    SDP Ferrari $36,386 2012 NCHA Futurity Open SF & Ltd Open Finalist
    Mz Hydrivinghula Gal $34,767 2012 El Ranch Futurity Open Reserve CHAMPION
    My Stylish Ride $33,387 2015 Canadian Supreme Derby Open CHAMPION
    SDP Hydrive Del Rey $32,536 2015 BI Classic Am CHAMPION
    Hydrive Catalena $31,985 2013 Canadian Supreme Derby Maturity Open CHAMPION
    CD Sly Cat $31,222 2017 Canadian Supreme Maturity Derby Open CHAMPION!
    Catoker $30,555 2015 UCHA Derby Open CHAMPION
    Driven Miss Jessica $27,370 2014 Western States Derby Open CHAMPION
    SDP Super Drive $24,382 Multiple LAE Finals to date!
    Sunday Drive $20,460 Champion and consistent LAE Finalist!
    Hydrive Deesel $20,314 2012 WaCHA Futurity Open Reserve CHAMPION
    Tomcat Alley (Aus) $20,078 Multiple Open LAE Finals
    Four Eyed Cat $19,286 Consistent Aged Event Finalist!
    Tanami Katt (Aus) $17,699 2013 NCHA Australia Open Futurity Finalist
    Docta Love $16,859 2014 Brazos Bash Derby Un Am CHAMPION!
    Cats Overdrive $15,934
    Exceptional Ride $15,683 2016 NCHA Futurity Finalist!
    Hydrivin Cat $14,179 2015 Big Sky Classic Open Reserve CHAMPION
    Catsdrivesallywild $12,145 2012 WCHA Futurity Open CHAMPION
    Hydrive Quixote $12,037 Numerous finals and top finishes in major LAE!
    TF The Cats Meow $11,902
    BNL Hytap Dancer $11,883
    Del Rio All Torque (AUS) $11,823 2015 NCHAus Futurity Open Finalist
    WRJ FLASHDRIVE CAT $10,076 2015 Southern Cutting Am Reserve CHAMPION
    Drive Lady Drive (Aus) $9,483 2015 NCHAus Futurity Open Finalist
    The Cats Pizzamas $9,374 Champion and top finisher in NP events in Canada!
    Cotton Candy Cat $9,231 2015 Congress Open Derby Finalist
    Little Ruby Cat (BZ) $8,850 2015 ANCA (Brazil) Derby Open CHAMPION! - View Video
    Sweet Shiney Ride $8,740 2015 Western States Stallion Stakes Open Derby Res CHAMPION
    Corn Drive $8,610
    Hypoint Cowgirl $8,379 2013 El Ranch Unlimited Am Derby CHAMPION
    LR Chopstix $8,207 2012 UCHA Futurity Open Res CHAMPION
    Dun Drivn $7,835 2012 Canadian Silver Slate Futurity NP CHAMPION
    Pinched By A Cat (U) $7,791 2012 Canadian Supreme Futurity Open 3rd Place
    Cats Smart Bell $6,746
    Driving Miss Hannah $6,355
    Big Boy Jeans $6,142 2013 PCCHA Futurity Open Eq 15th
    Hydi Turpentine (Aus) $6,099 NCHAus Futurity Non-Pro Finalist
  • HIGH BROW CAT: Lifetime earnings of $110,784. Equi-Stat Leading Sire for twelve consecutive years & Equi-Stat’s All Time Leading sire of cutting horses. High Brow Cat’s offspring have earnings in excess of $69,000,000 & have produced get with earnings in excess of $76,000,000 and have produced get with earnins in excess of $125,600,000.
  • RUBY TUESDAY DNA by Peppy San Badger, $218,916. 1999 PCCHA Derby 4YO NP Champion; 1999 South Point Futurity 4YO NP Reserve Champion; 2000 South Point Futurity 5 & 6YO NP Champion; 2000 Steamboat Springs Derby 5 & 6YO NP Champion; 2000 Augusta Futurity 5 & 6YO NP Reserve Champion; 2001 NCHA Summer Spectacular 5 & 6YO NP Co-Reserve Champion. Dam of:

    RUBY TUESDAYS COLOR (PT) (Color Me Smart (PT)), $136,699. 2006 NCHA Futurity 3YO OP finalist; 2007 Memphis
    Futurity 4YO OP finalist; 2007 Breeders Invitational 4YO OP finalist; 2007 South Point Winter Championship 4YO OP finalist;
    2007 NCHA Summer Spectacular 4YO OP semifinalist; 2008 Western Horseman Cup OP Reserve Champion. Dam of offspring with earnings in excess of $15,000.

    RUBY SHADOW CAT (Metallic Cat) $130,986. 2017 NCHA Summer Spectacular 5 & ^ YO Lmt NP Reserve Champion and Open Finalist

    SDP BUFFALO BILL (High Brow Cat), $98,773. 2007 Breeders Invitational 4YO OP Reserve Champion; 2007 Abilene Spectacular 4YO OP finalist; 2007 PCCHA Derby 4th (tie) 4YO OP.

    HES A RUBYPEPTO (Hes A Peptospoonful), $91,595. 2011 NCHA Futurity 3 YO Limited Open Finalist

    FAT CAT NAMED JACK (High Brow Cat), $88,330. 2005 NCHA Super Stakes 3rd 4YO OP Gelding & NP Gelding finalist; 2005
    Memphis Futurity 4th 4YO NP; 2005 Abilene Spectacular 4YO NP finalist; 2005 Augusta Futurity 4YO NP finalist; 2007 NCHA Super Stakes 5 & 6YO LMT NP Champion & NP finalist; 2007 Brazos Valley Cutters 5 & 6YO NP Champion & OP Reserve Champion.

    HES A RUBYPEPTO (Hes A Peptospoonful), $70,107. 2011 NCHA Futurity 3YO LMT OP finalist; 2012 Breeders Invitational 4th (tie) 4YO NP.

    RUBY SHADOW CAT (Metallic Cat), $52,711. 2014 PCCHA Futurity 3YO OP finalist & OP Gelding Reserve Champion; 2014 Idaho Futurity 4th 3YO OP & OP Gelding Reserve Champion; 2015 PCCHA Derby 3rd (tie) 4YO OP, OP Gelding Reserve Champion, UN AM Reserve Champion & UN AM Gelding Champion; 2015 Metallic Cat Incentive 4YO OP Co-Reserve Champion.
  • NCHA Super Stakes
    Breeders Invitational
Listing ID: 5792 Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed
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Listing ID: 5792 Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Debit Card, Check, Certified Check, Money Order
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 14 Days After Auction Closes
  • Once payment has been received, the stallion owners will be notified of your payment and contracts can be emailed or faxed to you.
  • Terms of Sale

    You are bidding for one 2019 stallion breeding contract donated to CNYRHA by the owner/agent for the 2019 Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction.

    *This contract entitles you to only one embryo if an embryo transfer is being done. If multiple embryos are flushed and used, then the purchaser must contact the Stallion Owner/Agent immediately to arrange payment for the additional embryos.*

    All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to CNYRHA to further develop the Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction and Futurity.

    This 2019 Stallion Breeding contract is transferable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the highest amount for the 2019 breeding auctioned online with beginning February 1, 2019 and ending February 09, 2019.

    The mare owner/bidder will be purchasing in full the 2019 breeding services of the stallion specified. The mare owner will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of this contract including, but not limited to, veterinarian fees, chute fees, mare care and other expenses. CNYRHA is not responsible for any costs, expenses and/or charges related to execution of breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in this contract. CNYRHA’s involvement in and responsibility for the 2019 Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction terminates upon transfer of this contract to the mare owner/bidder. If the stallion dies before the said donated breeding occurs and no other comparable stallions are available to the purchaser, CNYRHA will reimburse the purchaser the full amount of the winning bid.

    This breeding is NON TRANSFERABLE and CANNOT be sold by the winning bidder to a third party.

    Payments are due 2 weeks after the close of the auction.
    Payments made by credit card will be charged an additional 3% processing fee.

    GOVERNING LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York except where the Federal supremacy clause requires otherwise.

    SUBMISSION TO JURISDICTION IN NEW YORK. Each of the parties hereto, to the extent it may do so under applicable law, hereby (a) irrevocably submits itself to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York, inclusive of any small claims court, for the purposes of any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of this Agreement, the subject matter hereof or any of the transactions contemplated hereby brought by any party or parties hereto, or their successors or permitted assigns and (b) waives, and agrees not to assert, by way of motion, as a defense, or otherwise, in any such suit, action or proceeding, that the suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum, that the venue of the suit, action or proceeding is improper or that this Agreement or the subject matter hereof or any of the transactions contemplated hereby may not be enforced in or by such courts.

    NO ARBITRATION. Disputes involving this contract, including the breach or alleged breach thereof, may not be submitted to binding arbitration (except where statutorily authorized), but must, instead, be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of New York.

    SERVICE OF PROCESS. In addition to the methods of service allowed by the New York State Civil Practice Law & Rules ("CPLR"), each of the parties here to hereby consents to service of process upon it by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Service hereunder shall be complete upon actual receipt of process or upon the receipt of the return thereof by the United States Postal Service as refused or undeliverable. Buyer must promptly notify the Seller, in writing, of each and every change of address to which service of process can be made. Service to the last known address shall be sufficient. Served party will have thirty (30) calendar days after service hereunder is complete in which to respond.
Listing ID: 5792 Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 5792 Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 5792 Hydrive Cat This Listing is Now Closed

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