CNYRHA Northeast Breeders Trust 2013-2014 (view all)
Feb 1, 2014 - May 16, 2014
Listing Closed

Hes One Smart Chic This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 2941 Number of Times Viewed: 2432

Listing Closed

Feb 15 2014, 6:33 pm PST
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 2941 Hes One Smart Chic This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • Hes One Smart Chic
  • Quarter Horse
  • Ohoopee River Farm
  • Collins Georgia 30421 United States  Map
  • $43,833
  • $2,500
  • Ask Owner
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The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

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  • 2014
  • Yes
  • 3372504
  • Sorrel
  • 1995
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • Tammy Sikes
  • NRHA earner of $43,833. In 1998: NRHA moneyearner;
    in 1999: Ohio Val ley RHA open & int. open class win ner; in 2001: New
    York ECRA non-pro class win ner; in 2002: East Coast RHA non-pro class win ner;
    in 2003: East Coast RHA nov ice horse open class win ner; East ern Penn syl va nia
    nov ice horse non-pro class win ner; in 2004: fi nal ist in FEI/CRI World Open & Restricted
    Mas ters Reining; 4th in Open at the NRHA Fu tu rity; nov ice horse open
    class win ner; in 2005: 4th, NRHA Open Top Ten; Con gress NRHA Open Re serve
    Cham pion; fi nal ist in the Fi esta in the Park USEF Cham pi on ship Reining; 5th in
    Open at the NRHA Fu tu rity; split 6th, NRBC USEF Open qual i fier and NRBC Open
    Reining; 4th, Gordyville Breeders’ Cup USEF Open qual i fier; top 10, Con gress Senior
    Reining; open class win ner at the Gordyville Breeders Cup, Carolina Clas sic,
    South east RHA Main Event & Bell Ranch Sum mer Slide; in 2006: NRHA Open
    Top 25; fi nal ist in the FEI World Mas ters Reining Fi nal Open & Re stricted
    Reining; Open Re serve Cham pion at the NRHA Derby; 3rd, Con gress NRHA
    Open; open class win ner at the Woosley Hall of Fame Reining, South east RHA
    Main Event & Carolina Fall Clas sic; in 2007: 4th, FEI World Re stricted Mas ters
    Reining and 8th, Open; Gordyville USEF Open Qual i fier Co-Re serve Cham pion;
    open class win ner at the Gordyville Breeders Cup; lim ited open win ner at the
    Carolina Fall Clas sic; in 2008: NRHA money-earner; in AQHA events: 28 open
    rein ing points; AQHA ROM; 2007 World Se nior Reining qual i fier.
    NOTES: Brother to 2 other money-earn ers, in clud ing CHICS APRIL FOOL, Re serve
    Cham pion of the Carolina RHA Non-Pro Derby, and to the mul ti ple pro ducer SHES
    ONE SMART CHIC, dam of BLUER, a cut ting earner of more than $52,000.
  • $167,471: NRHA Hall of Fame; World
    Cham pion Se nior Reining & Cut ting Horse. NRCHA #2 All-Time Leading
    Sire, NRHA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, and an AQHA All-Time Leading Sire,
    sir ing earn ers of $12,700,000, in clud ing SMART SPOOK ($405,080: NRHA
    Open Fu tu rity Cham pion; NRHA Open Derby Cham pion), OLENA OAK
    ($359,544: 2012 & 2013 NRCHA World’s Greatest Horse man Cham pion).
  • Miss Puddin Pine, by Papa’s Chance. NCHA money-earner; AQHA
    point-earner. Dam of 9 foals, 4 money-earn ers, in clud ing–
    HES ONE SMART CHIC (c. by Smart Chic Olena). Above.
    Chics April Fool (c. by Smart Chic Olena). $5,906: Carolina RHA Non-Pro Derby
    Res. Cham pion; 3rd, Jap a nese Con gress Open Reining; AQHA point-earner.
    Shes One Smart Chic (f. by Smart Chic Olena). NCHA money-earner. Dam of–
    BLUER (g. by Blue Duck Okie). $52,164 cut ting: Chis holm Trail Fall
    Non-Pro & Limited Non-Pro Clas sics’ Cham pion; 5th, 2012 AQHA World
    Am a teur Cut ting; 4th, Tunica Non-Pro Clas sic; fi nal ist in the NCHA
    Limited Non-Pro Super Stakes, Cattlemens Non-Pro Clas sic, etc.
    CATS SMOKIN CHIC (f. by Cats Merada). $14,334 cut ting: fi nal ist in the NCHA
    Am a teur Fu tu rity & Am a teur Super Stakes; 3rd, Cattlemens Am a teur Derby;
    4th, West Texas Am a teur Derby; split 4th, Bo nanza Am a teur Derby.
    Roosta (c. by Gallo Del Cielo). $7,495 rein ing and 36 AQHA points: West ern
    Slope Slide Open Reining Fu tu rity Cham pion; Col o rado State Fair Open
    Reining Fu tu rity Re serve Cham pion; 2013 Ne braska RHA Open Derby
    Re serve Cham pion; AQHA ROM; 2013 World Ju nior Reining qual i fier.
    Aristochic (Smart Aris to crat). Dam of One Hick Chick (NCHA $2,295).
Listing ID: 2941 Hes One Smart Chic This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Debit Card, Check, Certified Check, Money Order
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • Payments are due 2 weeks after the close of the auction.
  • Accepted forms of payment are check, money order or visa/mc

    Payment must be received before stallion contract can be sent out.
  • Contract will be mailed out via USPS
  • ***All breedings purchased through entitles the purchaser to 1 live foal. If multiple foals are born via embryo transfer then the purchaser is resposible for the full stallion fee for any additional foals born.***

    You are bidding for one 2014 stallion breeding contract donated to CNYRHA by the
    owner/agent for the 2014 Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction.
    All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to CNYRHA to further develop the Northeast
    Breeders Trust Stallion Auction and Futurity.
    This 2014 Stallion Breeding contract is transferable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the
    highest amount for the 2014 breeding auctioned online with
    beginning February 1, 2014 and ending February 15, 2014.
    The mare owner/bidder will be purchasing in full the 2014 breeding services of the stallion
    specified. The mare owner will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the
    execution of this contract including, but not limited to, veterinarian fees, chute fees, mare care
    and other expenses. CNYRHA is not responsible for any costs, expenses and/or charges
    related to execution of breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in
    this contract. CNYRHA’s involvement in and responsibility for the 2014 Northeast Breeders
    Trust Stallion Auction terminates upon transfer of this contract to the mare owner/bidder. If the
    stallion dies before the said donated breeding occurs and no other comparable stallions are
    available to the purchaser, CNYRHA will reimburse the purchaser the full amount of the
    winning bid.
    This breeding is NON TRANSFERABLE and CANNOT be sold by the winning bidder to a
    third party.

    Payments are due 2 weeks after the close of the auction. Failure to pay by the end of the 2 weeks could result in the loss of the breeding to the back bidder.

    Payments made by credit card will be charged an additional 3% processing fee.
Listing ID: 2941 Hes One Smart Chic This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 2941 Hes One Smart Chic This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 2941 Hes One Smart Chic This Listing is Now Closed

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