CNYRHA North East Breeders Trust 2012 (view all)
Jan 15, 2012 - Jun 29, 2012
Listing Closed

Peptos I Brow This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 1082 Number of Times Viewed: 3617


Listing Closed

Jun 29 2012, 10:36 pm PDT
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 1082 Peptos I Brow This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • Peptos I Brow
  • Quarter Horse
  • Campbell Hall New York 10916 United States  Map
  • $53,000
  • $1,250
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • $250
  • Not Available
  • Actual Charges
  • $300
  • Contact stallion station for rates

  • Red Roan
  • 2001
  • Warning: The seller has not provided any information about genetic testing. You are advised to contact the owner or the breeding facility for updated information.

  • 2008 NRHA Novice Horse Open World Champion

    Member of the 2010 World Equestrian Games Australian Reining Team

    1. CNYRHA Derby Open Champion - score 152.5

    2. Northeast Classic Open and Intermediate Open Derby Champion-score 148

    3. Carolina Classic Intermediate and Limited Open Derby Champion

    3. The Great Reining Adventure Open, Intermediate and Limited Open Reserve Derby Champion

    5. Wimpy's Little Step Derby Co-Reserve Limited Open Champion

    6. Congress Limited Open Futurity Champion

    7.Firecracker Classic 3 yr old Snaffle Bit Champion

    8. Central New York's Ride and Slide 3yr Old Snaffle Bit Champion
  • His oldest foals are now in the ring competing and winning, with several outstanding 2yr olds coming up the ranks!

    ThisPeptosGunnerBeGood (3yr old mare) - Winner of the 2011 Northeast Breeders Trust Futurity Lvl 2& 4 in Syracuse, NY.
    No.3 Lifetime Top Cutting Sire

    The ONLY stallion with 4 Top Junior Sires in the
    Top 10!

    Top 10 Maternal and Paternal Grandsire

    Top 25 NRCHA Sire

    Peptoboonsmal LTE $180,487

    1995 NCHA Open Futurity Champion
    1996 Bonanza 4-Year-Old Open Derby Champion
    4th, 1996 NCHA Open Super Stakes
    1996 Gold Coast Open Derby Champion
    Finalist 1996 NCHAOpen Derby
    Finalist Augusta 4-Year-Old Open Futurity

    Foals of Performance Age 935 Money-Earners 555
    Total Earnings $15,348,277 Average Earnings $27,654
    Point-Earners 124 Total Points 2,059

    The 2009 Equi-Stat #3 Leading Cutting Sire, and an NRCHA and
    NRHA Leading Sire, PEPTOBOONSMAL has been a top 5 cutting
    sire every year since his first full crop showed in 2001. He is also the
    Equi-Stat #8 All-Time Leading Cutting Sire and an NRCHA Top 20
    All-Time Leading Sire.
    LITTLE PEPTO GAL (Freckles O Lena, by Doc O’Lena). $523,055: NCHA Horse of the Year; NCHA Non-Pro Classic/Challenge Champion; Galles Ranch & Suncoast Fall Non-Pro Classic Champion; 3rd, NCHA Open Futurity; Bonanza Open Derby Champion;
    Memphis Futurity Reserve Champion; 5th,NCHASuper Stakes, etc. COPASPEPTO (Miss Martini Play, by Freckles Playboy). $446,680: NCHA Horse of the Year; NCHA Open Super Stakes Co-Champion; top 10, NCHA Open Futurity; Augusta Open Classic Champion; Abilene Spectacular, Brazos Bash Open Derby Champion;
    Brazos Bash Open Classic Reserve Champion, etc. ONE TIME PEPTO (One Time Soon, by Smart Little Lena). $331,097: NCHA Open Super Stakes Champion; Augusta Open Classic Champion; Abilene Spectacular Open Classic Champion; PCCHA
    4-Year-Old Open Stakes Reserve Champion, etc. SWEETLILPEPTO(Sweet Lil Lena, by Smart Little Lena). $236,843: 4th, NCHA Open Futurity; Breeders Invitational Open Derby Champion. FRECKLES LENA BOON (Freckles Quick Girl, by Freckles Merada).
    $235,994: NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes Champion; top 10, NCHA Open Futurity; finalist in theNCHANon-Pro Futurity; Abilene Spectacular Non-Pro Derby Champion; Augusta Non-Pro Futurity Champion. PEPTOS STYLISH MISS (Stylish And Foxie, by Docs Stylish Oak). $216,456: 4th,NCHAOpen Super Stakes; 2009 PCCHA Open Classic
    Co-Reserve Champion; PCCHA 4-Year-Old Open Stakes Reserve Champion.
    BOONSMAL DOCTRESS (Doctress Merada, by Freckles Merada). $210,856: Bonanza Non-Pro Classic Champion, etc. SWINGINSTARPEPTO (Swingin Star Lady, by Justa Swinging Peppy). $203,833: Cotton Stakes Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion; 2009 Bonanza Non-Pro Champion; 3rd, 2009 Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Classic. BUCKAROO BOON (Smarter Than Most, by Smart Little Lena). $197,454: NCHA Limited Open Futurity Champion, NCHA Limited Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion and finalist Open; Music City Non-Pro Classic Champion. MISS STYLISH PEPTO (Stylish And Foxie, by Docs Stylish Oak). $193,569: 3rd, NCHA Open Super Stakes; South Point Winter Open Derby Champion.; 4th, NCHA Open Derby. ROYAL RED PEPTO (Playgiarism, by Freckles Playboy). $177,087: NCHA Open Classic/Challenge
    Champion. WHITTLE WED BOON (Smart Whittle Wena, by Smart Little Lena).
    $174,185: 3rd, NCHA Open Finals; NCHA Bronze Award. BOONSMAL CEE LENA (Holly Cee Lena, by Doc O’Lena). $157,993: NCHA Open Finals Reserve Champion; NCHA $10,000 Novice Reserve World Champion; NCHA Open Top Ten. PLAYBOY BOONSMAL (Playboys Stormy, by Freckles Playboy). $157,491: 4th, NCHA Open Top Ten.
    PEPTOCANDY (Shortys Candy, by Shorty Lena). $151,386: NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion. JAZZYS PEP TALK (Jazzy Dry, by Dry Doc). $150,643: NCHA Gold
    Award; 4th, 2009 NCHA Open Top Ten. CD PEPTOFILLY (CD Fillylena, by CD Olena). $144,358: top 10, NCHA Open Super Stakes; Bonanza Open Derby Co-Reserve Ch.
    SMOKIN PEPTO (Smoken Powder, by Mr Gun Smoke). $143,029: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity. BOONLIGHT DANCER(Little Dancer Lena, by Smart Little Lena).
    $136,253: NRCHA Open Snaffle Bit Futurity Champion. MOODYBLUEBOON(Lenas Lisette, by Doc O’Lena). $134,268: split 6th,NCHAOpen Futurity; Augusta Non-Pro Futurity Champion, etc. PEPTO TAZ (Sweet Lil Lena, by Smart Little Lena). $132,224: Suncoast Winter Derby Champion; Suncoast Fall Derby Champion, etc. BOON TOO SUEN (Meradas Little Sue, by Freckles Merada). $129,546: split 6th, 2009 NCHA Open Derby. PEPTOTIME (One Time Soon, by Smart Little Lena). $127,721: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity; 9th, NCHA Open Classic/Challenge. BOONBAY SMASH mberlena, by Doc O’Lena). $126,762: top 10, NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic. MOMS STYLISH PEPTO (Moms Stylish Kat, by Docs Stylish Oak). $118,817: 3rd, NCHA Open Super Stakes. PEPTOS CHURCH MOUSE (Hot Commodity, by Miss N Cash). $110,844: PCCHA Open Futurity & Open Derby Champion. EYEZONME(Stylish And Foxie, by Docs Stylish Oak). $107,702: 3rd, 2009 NCHA Open Super Stakes. PEPTO BOOM (Stylish Play Lena, by Docs Stylish Oak). $100,724: 2009 Bonanza 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Champion. BLUE LEBOON (Elana Lena, by Doc O’Lena). NCHA Non-Pro Futurity
    Champion, $84,768: Wine Country Non-Pro Res. Champion. TURBO PEPTO (Handle Bar Princess, by Handle Bar Doc). $82,186: 2009 NCHA $20,000 Non-Pro Co-World Champion and $50,000 Amateur Co-Reserve World Champion. SMART BOONS (Smart Little Easter, by Smart Little Lena). $79,013: 2009 NRCHA Open Derby Champion. SILVER PEPTO PISTOL (Miss Silver Pistol, by Doc’s Hickory).
    $74,313: NCHA Amateur Super Stakes & Derby Champion. PICKA PATCHA PEPTO (Patches Of Blue, by Smart Little Lena). $70,838: 2009 NRCHA Open Futurity Co-Reserve Champion. NURSE ELAINE (High Brows Nurse, by High Brow Hickory). $68,359: NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion. PEPTO BLUELENA (Charcolena, by Smart Little Lena). 2009 AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Heeling Horse; AQHA Superior Heeling, 71 tie-down and heeling points.

  • Northeast Breeders Trust
    NRHA Sire & Dam
Listing ID: 1082 Peptos I Brow This Listing is Now Closed
  • Visa, Mastercard, Check, Money Order
  • Payments due by February 29th, 2012
  • Accepted forms of payment are check, money order or visa/mc

    Payment must be received before stallion contract can be sent out
  • Contract will be mailed via USPS
  • Terms of Sale
    You are bidding for one 2012 stallion breeding contract donated to CNYRHA by the owner/agent for the 2012 Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction.

    All proceeds from the sale of this auction will go to CNYRHA to further develop the Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction and futurity.

    This 2012 Stallion Breeding contract is transferable to the mare owner/bidder who bids the highest amount for the 2012 breeding auctioned online with beginning Janurary 15, 2010 and ending February 15, 2011.

    The mare owner/bidder will be purchasing in full the 2012 breeding services of the stallion specified. The mare owner will be responsible to pay any and all charges/fees related to the execution of this contract including, but not limited to, veterinarian fees, chute fees, mare care and other expenses. CNYRHA is not responsible for any costs, expenses and/or charges related to execution of breeding contract by the breeding facility not contained or recorded in this contract. CNYRHA’s involvement in and responsibility for the 2011 Northeast Breeders Trust Stallion Auction terminates upon transfer of this contract to the mare owner/bidder. If the stallion dies before the said donated breeding occurs and no other comparable stallions are available to the purchaser, CNYRHA will reimburse the purchaser the full amount of the winning bid.

    This breeding is NON TRANSFERABLE and CANNOT be sold by the winning bidder to a third party.

    Payments due by February 29th, 2012

    Payments made by credit card will be charged an additional 3% processing fee.

Listing ID: 1082 Peptos I Brow This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 1082 Peptos I Brow This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 1082 Peptos I Brow This Listing is Now Closed

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