AZRHA Stallion Auction 2021-2022 (view all)
Dec 22, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Listing Closed

Colonels Shining Gun This Listing is Now Closed Listing ID: 6854 Number of Times Viewed: 5533

2014 NRHA European Derby Open Champion



Jan 9 2022, 5:12 pm PST
  • High Bidder:
  • dr.jane
  • High Bid:
  • $3,200.00 USD
  • # of Bids:
  • All applicable fees shown on this listing are in addition to the bid price unless otherwise indicated.
Listing ID: 6854 Colonels Shining Gun This Listing is Now Closed
Listed in: Breeding Auctions
  • $115,000 +
  • $3,000
  • Available
  • Not Available

The fees shown below are NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE unless specified otherwise. These fees may be required to fulfill the service contract. International bidders may have additional fees not shown here.

  • Cooled semen only $300 Fed Ex
  • Not Available
  • $500

  • 2022
  • Yes
  • #5033501 AQHA
  • Sorrel Overo
  • 2007
  • No
  • 5 Panel n/n, LWO n/n, Splash Carrier - Perfect Hearing


    2014 FEI World Equestrian Games Team Silver Medalist with Cira Baeck

    2014 NRHA European Derby Open Level 4 Champion with Cira Baeck

    2014 NRHA Roleski 4 Spin Open Derby Level 4 Champion with Cira Baeck, score 229.5

    2013 FEI European Championships Individual Silver Medalist with Cira Baeck

    2013 NRHA Open Grand Prix $37,000 added Champion with Cira Baeck, score 231.5

    2013 NRHA Open Shootout $75,000 7th place with Cira Baeck

    2013 #4 NRHA Open Top Ten standings

    2010 NRHA Open Futurity Finalist with Andrea Fappani (2nd Go Champion)

    2014 NRHA European Derby Open Champion
  • OFFSPRING - $683,100+
    .2018 European Futurity Champions and Finalists
    With two horses qualified for the finals, NRHA Professional Lukas Czechowicz of Poland clinched the L3 Open Futurity Championship with a 221 riding CGS Piggiemove, a stallion by Colonels Shining Gun out of Roosters Hot Piq, owned, bred and nominated by Katarzyna Roleska. A half-point behind, Czechowicz also took co-reserve honors riding Winchesteratomic (Colonels Shining Gun x BRS Freckles Payday), a stallion also owned, bred and nominated by Katarzyna Roleska. “These are my first European Futurity titles, and I could not be any happier,” said the young Polish professional who works out of Roleski Ranch. “I started working for Roleski four years ago and this was the first foal crop I broke and trained. It’s all very special, and I would like to thank Kate and all the Roleski team for supporting and trusting me with these super horses.”​

    Katarzyna Roleska’s breeding program proved its worth in Cremona. The Polish reining enthusiast, host of the past NRHA European Affiliate Championships, owned, bred and nominated five horses that made the Open finals.​

    Tying for reserve honors in the L3 division was NRHA Professional Mirko Midili of Italy with Angelina Shining Gun (Colonels Shining Gun x Miss Alex Cody) for owner Asia Vimercati. The mare was bred by Tamara Pavlovic and nominated by Fabio Polesel. – NRHA
    (1993). $177,386: NRHA 13 Million Dollar & Hall of Fame Sire; Equi-Stat’s
    2nd Leading Reining Sire for 2018 & 2nd All-Time Leading Reining Sire. 1996
    NRHA Futurity Reserve Champion. Sire of offspring with earnings in excess of
    AQHA ROM; 2000 SW Rode To Reno Futurity 3YO OP Champion; 2000 NRCHA
    Futurity 3YO LMT OP finalist; 2001 Dixie Nationals RCH 3rd OP; 2001 AQHA
    World Show JR WCH finalist; 2002 Sandhills Reined Cow Horse Association
    4 & 5YO OP Champion; 2002 Colorado Mid-America Snaffle Bit Futurity 3rd
    4 & 5YO OP; 2002 Sagebrush Slide Derby 3rd 4 & 5YO OP; 2002 Dixie
    Nationals RCH 4th OP. Dam of offspring with earnings in excess of $265,368
    and granddam of performers with more then $300,000. Some of her top
    offspring include:
    COLONELS SHINING GUN (Colonels Smoking Gun), $115,000+
    DUNITS SHINING SUN (Dunit Cocky), $71,414. AQHA ROM; 2011 RMRHC
    Summer Slide Futurity 3rd (tie) 3YO OP; 2011 NRHA Futurity 3YO OP
    finalist; 2011 Southwest Reining Futurity 3YO OP finalist; 2012 NRBC 4,
    5, 6YO OP Level 1 50K finalist; 2013 NRBC 4, 5, 6YO OP Level 1 50K finalist; 2014 Reining Horse Of Oregon Slide Into Spring 3rd 4, 5, 6YO NP.
    BOOM SHINE BOOM (Boom Shernic), $54,820. 2017 Mid Atlantic Classic
    4-6YO OP & INT OP Co-Champion; 2017 Carolina Classic Derby 4-6YO
    OP & INT OP Reserve Champion; 2017 NRHA Derby 4th (tie) 4-6YO INT
    OP; 2018 Florida Reining Classic 4th 4-6YO OP; 2019 Central New York
    RHA Derby 4-7YO OP & INT OP Champion; 2019 Carolina Classic Derby
    4-6YO OP & INT OP Reserve Champion.
    BOOMERS LITTLE PEACH (Boom Shernic), $11,543. 2015 RMRHC Summer Slide Futurity 3YO OP money earner; 2016 NRHA European Futurity
    4th 4YO OP.
    NICS PEACH (Reminic), $11,161. AQHA ROM; 2007 Southwest RCH Year
    End Futurity 4th (tie) 4 & 5YO OP, 5K NV HR OP Champion & INT OP
    Reserve Champion; 2007 Celebration Of Champions Derby 4 & 5YO 5K
    OP finalist; 2008 SRCHA May Showers Show OP Hackamore Reserve
    Champion; 2008 Southwest RCH Summer Classic 4 & 5YO OP Co-Reserve Champion; 2008 Sagebrush Slide Cow Horse Derby 4th 4 & 5YO
    OP; 2009 Colorado Mid-America Futurity LMT OP Reserve Champion.
    Her sire, Shining Spark, is $4 Million Dollar Sire.
Listing ID: 6854 Colonels Shining Gun This Listing is Now Closed
  • PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Check, Cash
  • Payment Instructions will be shown in the winning bidder's account.
  • 10 Days After Auction Closes
  • Once the payment for the breeding is received by a representative of the AzRHA, the buyer will receive a contract signed by the stallion owner. The stallion owner will also receive a copy of the contract with your contact information. Once the contract is received, you will need to contact the breeding manager in a timely manner to arrange your breeding.
  • The winning bidder in the 2022 Arizona Reining Horse Association (AzRHA) Stallion Auction has purchased from the AzRHA a stallion breeding donated by the stallion owner to be used by the bidder during the 2022 breeding season.


    The purchase applies only to the breeding fees, and does not include fees such as, but not restricted to, booking/chute fees, shipping costs (FED EX, Counter to Counter), mare care, transportation, re-breeds. These fees are determined and collected by the individual stallion owners; the AzRHA has no responsibility for setting or collecting these fees.
Listing ID: 6854 Colonels Shining Gun This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 6854 Colonels Shining Gun This Listing is Now Closed

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Listing ID: 6854 Colonels Shining Gun This Listing is Now Closed

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