Smokin Jac Cody [#2307]
- Breeding Auctions
- Quarter Horse
- Washington (United States)
Only shown 8 times and earned $64k+
No Shipped Semen
HERDA N/N, GBED N/Gb, PSSM N/N, MH N/N, HYPP N/N All mares must have a negative GBED test result
N/N on 5 panel test
#1 All-Time AQHA Open Reining Point earner with 345 FQHA registered at 93% foundation bred
Guaranteed 100% Color
Earnings $60k+
NRCHA Million Dollar Sire
NRHA Hall Of Fame AQHA and APHA Stallion
The Sweet Spot has tested HYPP N/N : Herda N/N : GBED N/N : Owls N/N. DOES NOT carry the deaf gene
Colonelsmokingpep is N/N on the 5 panel genetic test.